Who am I

Foto Màrius My name is Marius Monton. I have a PhD in Computer Science by the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB) and Masters in Microelectronics and Electronic Systems and Computer Engineer degree from the same university. I’m co-founder at IoT Partners, engineering and consultancy focused on Internet of Things.
Previuolsy I was working as Head of Space Embedded & HW/SW development for Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC). Time before I was working as Head of Innovation  in WorldSensing. Before that, I worked as Firmware engineer in the same company. I was working several years as engineer at Cephis-UAB. I also worked as associate professor at the university. In addition, I’was working as consultor for GreenSocs developing TLM-2.0 based solutions for ESL businesses. Projects done with GreenSocs:

  • Implementation of SystemC Bridge for Simics (Virtutech).
  • Add support to checkpoint & restore to SystemC and the integration into   SystemC Bridge by Simics.
  • SoC  modelling using SystemC with QEMU as ISS (link).

My PhD Slides

[slideshare id=6253011&doc=presentaciophd-101220042157-phpapp01]

And here my thesis (PDF).
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