First of all, I should remember you what means loosely-timed: we use the blocking function b_transport and therefore we have two synchronization points per transaction, that corresponds to the beginning and the end of the transaction. These two points can be in the same simulation time or in different simulation time. In case we have the two synchronization points in the same simulation time, we are using untimed).
Loosely time and temporal decoupling
This coding style works with 2 timing points in each transaction, one in the function call and the other in the return for the b_transport function (using the base protocol these points corresponds to the start of the petition and the start of the response). We can put these two points in the same time to mark that the transaction is not using time.
Coding Styles
TLM-2 lists modeling 3 different modes (called Coding Styles in official documents): untimed, Loosely-timed and Approximately-timed. Each serves a specific purpose, and to model different types of systems. We must also take into account the cost of each simulation mode (untimed less expensive, Approximatelly-timed more expensive).